How to Identify and Prevent Rodent Infestations in Massachusetts

Jun 23, 2023

Biggins Exterminating Co. is a trusted family-owned and operated full-service pest and rodent control contractor serving Wilmington, MA, and the surrounding towns for over 40 years. Rodents can pose significant problems in Massachusetts homes, causing property damage and health risks. By learning how to identify and prevent rodent infestations, you can safeguard your home and family from these unwanted pests.

Identifying Rodent Infestations:

  1. Droppings: One of the most common signs of a rodent infestation is the presence of droppings. Rat droppings are larger than mouse droppings and are usually dark brown or black and shaped like grains of rice. Mouse droppings are smaller and resemble tiny black pellets.
  2. Gnaw marks: Rodents have incisors that continuously grow, leading them to gnaw on various materials to keep their teeth trimmed. Look for gnaw marks on furniture, baseboards, electrical wiring, and other household items.
  3. Nests: Rodents construct nests using shredded materials like paper, fabric, and insulation. Check for nests in hidden areas such as attics, crawl spaces, and wall voids.
  4. Grease marks: Rats and mice often leave greasy smudges along their regular travel paths. These marks can be seen on walls, baseboards, and along the edges of furniture.
  5. Footprints: Dusty areas or surfaces can reveal rodent footprints. Check for tracks near suspected entry points or in areas where droppings are found.

Preventing Rodent Infestations:

  1. Seal entry points: Inspect your home for any gaps or cracks that rodents can use to gain entry. Pay close attention to areas around pipes, vents, windows, and doors. Seal these openings with caulk, steel wool, or other suitable materials to deny rodents access to your home.
  2. Store food properly: Keep all food, including pet food, in sealed containers. Avoid leaving food out overnight, and clean up spills promptly. Secure trash cans with tight-fitting lids to reduce food sources that attract rodents.
  3. Maintain cleanliness: Regularly clean your home, especially areas prone to food debris, such as the kitchen and dining areas. Vacuum and sweep regularly to remove crumbs and food particles. Declutter your living spaces to eliminate potential hiding spots for rodents.
  4. Trim vegetation and maintain landscaping: Keep trees and shrubs trimmed away from your home, as overhanging branches can provide rodents with easy access. Additionally, maintain a tidy outdoor area by removing clutter, woodpiles, and debris that could serve as nesting sites.
  5. Repair plumbing leaks: Rodents are attracted to water sources. Regularly check and repair any plumbing leaks to eliminate standing water or damp areas that could attract rodents.
  6. Install door sweeps and screens: Ensure that all exterior doors have tight-fitting door sweeps to prevent rodents from entering underneath. Install screens on windows and vents to block entry points.
  7. Professional rodent control: If you suspect or confirm a rodent infestation, it is crucial to seek professional assistance. Biggins Exterminating Co. specializes in rodent control and can employ effective and safe methods to eliminate infestations and prevent future occurrences.

By following these identification and prevention tips, you can greatly reduce the risk of rodent infestations in your Massachusetts home. However, if you require expert assistance, trust the experienced professionals at Biggins Exterminating Co. to provide comprehensive pest and rodent control services tailored to your specific needs. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and safeguard your home from unwanted rodent intrusions.

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